
Sunday 9 December 2012

Tom Bombadil

Hi guys, recently I painted my Tom Bombadil metal miniature, to paint him I:

 Base coated his coat and hat in Regal Blue

Drybrushed over the Regal Blue with a mixture of Regal Blue and Fenris Grey

I then added some Chaos Black to the mixture and painted in the gaps

I painted his trousers and hat band Scorched Brown

Then I painted Mournfang Brown in the gap

Then the feather was painted Regal Blue and drybrushed with Fenris Grey

His boots were painted with 3 layers of Golden Yellow

His under shirt was painted with scorched brown then overbrushed with Mournfang Brown

I then drybrushed the undershirt with Khemri Brown

His face was painted with Tallarn Flesh and drybrushed with Elf Flesh

Then I mixed Tallarn Flesh with Wazdakka Red to make a red flesh colour and painted his cheeks with it

Moria Goblins

How to paint Moria Goblins.

Start with a Chaos Black undercoat.

Paint all of the armour Chainmail the paint all of the wood Khemri Brown.

Now you want to give your model a wash of Devlan Mud.

Once the wash has dried paint the skin Gretchin Green.

Then paint the cloth either Scorched Brown or Mechrite Red.

Congratulations you have completed a Moria Goblin!

Start painting

Are you struggling with painting, well you've come to the right place, on this page I will be showing you how to paint your warriors and heroes, foot soldiers and riders.